Latest News


15/12/20 - NEW CENTRE!

We are excited to announce that we have received council approval to build a new Imaginations Centre in Goulburn.

We look forward to keeping our Imaginations families informed about the new purpose built Centre, we feel excited to be able to deliver a thoughtful care and educational service to our Goulburn community. 



We are excited to have Susie taking on our Educational Leader Role. Susie is a qualified Early Education Teacher who is working hard to deliver quality education and care.



Bonjour les amis! 🇫🇷 (Hello Friends!)
Our centre recently applied to become accepted into the Early Learning Languages Australia (ELLA) program, our application was approved and our Preschool children will be taking part in French lessons for 2020. This will be a great addition to our prep for school program.
Learning another language helps develop essential areas of a child's brain. It assists children to think more creatively, connect ideas, build connections between English and in our case French, strengthen memory for sequence, concentration and solve problems more easily. Children automatically compare and contrast the system of the new language they are learning with English, which gives them an insight to how English works, which can accelerate their literacy skills.
We look forward to implementing this exciting opportunity at Imaginations and we think the teachers and our children are going to have a lot of fun along the way!
Au revoir! 🇫🇷












Taree Local Community Services




Mss – Manning Support Services

Offers Parenting Programs in regards to managing childhood behaviour and strengthening relationships.

Phone: 6551 1800



Family Relationship Centre Taree

The Taree Family Relationship Centre provides:

  • information and assessment for families at all stages of their relationships
  • a friendly setting where men, women and children can come to ask questions and receive help and information
  • support and assistance to focus on children’s needs during separation
  • parenting education seminars (including Building Connections)
  • special materials for children – sock puppet booklets that help children understand what is happening in their family and how the centre will help their parents
  • information and referral for clients to other support services including counselling, mediation services and community groups.
  • family dispute resolution as a way to help parents resolve conflict and formulate parenting arrangements for their children without going to court
  • assistance and support on how best to deal with family conflict so all family members needs are addressed
  • outreach assistance to Indigenous people from the local community


Phone: 6551 1200



Taree Community Health Centre

Phone: 6592 9315


Home-Start -Forster Forster♦Tuncurry♦Taree

Home-Start is a voluntary home visiting scheme offeringpractical support and friendship to families.


If you are:

  • A parent with at least one child under the age of 5 years
  • A new mother
  • Exhausted, feeling overwhelmed by the stresses of life with small children
  • Depressed
  • Isolated, lonely
  • A sole parent
  • New to our area
  • A parent who has had a multiple birth
  • A parent of a child with a disability, or you have a disability yourself


Ph: (02) 6557 5933


Brighter Futures

A NSW Government early intervention initiative. Brighter Futures early intervention program improves the level of support available to vulnerable families by providing access to a range of services that research shows time and time again, improve children’s’ abilities at school, the way they make and keep friends; and their skills at managing various problems they encounter as they grow up.


Australian and international research shows that early intervention services reinforce positive family relationships, increases resilience, promotes healthy child development and prevents child abuse and neglect.


For Further information on Brighter Futures Contact:

Department of Community Services

Level 1, 242 Victoria Street Taree

Ph: (02) 65912100 or Northern Regional Office Ph: (02) 66861907


G.L.M.A.C.S.–Great Lakes, Manning Great Lakes, Manning Aboriginal Children Service Aboriginal Children Service

This service targets parents under 25 and children under 8.


Offers groups and programs aimed at enhancing Koori families skills.



  • Hands on assistance for young Koori families
  • Education
  • Support
  • Exciting programs tailored to the local area


102-112 Victoria Street Taree

Ph: (02) 6551 2088


Biripi Aboriginal Corporation Medical Service

  • Town Clinic – (02) 6551 7444
  • Children’s Dental Service – (02) 6551 3955
  • Maternal Health – (02) 6552 21 54
  • Nambi Mental Health Service – (02) 6552 4777


Young Mum’s Group

For mums under 21 years of age

6551 5660


Women’s Group –Family Support Services Family Support Services Family Support Services

78 Wynter Street Taree

Ph: (02) 6551 5660


Manning Pregnancy Support Association Inc.

75 Albert Street Taree

Ph: (02) 6551 3900